about me

My Name is Jamie Fielding and I am a 41yr old amateur photographer based in West Sussex. I have always had an interest in photography, but it took the death of my father in 2014 to really focus my mind on it more. It served as a distraction for me from what had happened, a form of escapism if you will. Over the next couple of years I self taught techniques and learnt more about my Sony Nex 5 which was what I would class as my first proper camera. In 2016 I wanted to take the next step and purchased a full frame DSLR, a Nikon D750, which is still my trusty tool of the trade today.

My photography continues to serve as a form of escapism for me, I have a busy day job a wife, a dog and 3 children; one 11 and 9yr old twins. One of the twins, Charlie, was left a paraplegic At 2 as a result of a rare condition and also in had 3 years treatment for unrelated leukaemia which he successfully beat in 2022. These factors have caused a huge amount of stress in my life and photography is massively important for my mental health and managing this stress. I try not to photograph for the sake of it, for me photography is about the adventure, being in special places at special times of the day when it is often only me. This sense of escapism from the stresses of daily life and reconnecting with nature is what I aim to capture and what keeps me heading out for more.